Fit League


Discipline Rules & Videos

Below are notes on how to execute each Fit League discipline, the associated video demonstrates proper execution and gives judging guidance on what constitutes a no rep. One other rule applies to all disciplines: gloves may be worn if the athlete prefers them. However, no straps or other aids for supporting weights may be used.

Bench Jump (Bench Jmp)

Athlete must place both hands on the box and, starting with both feet on one side of the box, jump to the other side of the box and back, with both feet clearing the box.

Reps are counted from the starting side, there and back is one rep.

Prior to starting, the athlete opts to have from 1 to 9 risers under the bench.

The App will prompt for number of reps and number of risers and will calculate the score as follows: e.g. 50 reps with 1 Riser = 50 x 1.1 = 55 scored, 50 reps with 2 risers = 50 x 1.2 = 60 scored and so on.

Step Ups (Step Up)

Athlete must lift weight off the box and start to step up onto the box making sure you stand tall at the top with hips forward.

Your lead foot must be fully on the box with no part of the heel overhanging the edge of the box. Depending on step up style adopted, the other foot, or the heel of the other foot, must be placed on the box, again with with no overhang of the heel.

Judges will count full reps when you have returned to the starting position.

Height of box step is 5 risers high plus box lid which is about 14 inches in total.

Alternate Hand Tap (AHT)

Athlete adopts a press up position, arms extended, with knees away and feet together.

Hands either side of an AST board in portrait orientation or tape marked at 14 inches apart.

With hips above a marker (slam ball used in video) and below a bar which is positioned in line with athletes shoulder. Athlete taps hand on shoulder. Every other shoulder tap counted as one.

Athletes can rest at any time by putting knees down. Only even complete reps will counted before stopping. If athlete touches slam ball or bar with hips/back it will be counted as a no rep. Swaying is allowed.

Bench Press (Bench)

Athlete selects their load prior to bench starting.

The counter/spotter/judge will pass the athlete the bar whilst the athlete is lying down on a flat bench , they will announce ‘your bar’ and give the bar.

Athlete receives the bar by replying ‘my bar’. Athlete can use any wide, normal or close grip on the bar but it must be overhand grip. Bar touches the chest before straightening the arms again fully to complete the rep.

Athlete can hand the bar back at any time to rest, only full reps will count. If the counter/spotter/judge intervenes before the full rep is finished, the rep will not count. Full lock out of both elbows is required.

Concept II Row (Row)

Judge programmes the performance monitor to countdown from 3 minutes to zero.

Projected finish display optional.

Athletes select their own drag factor.

Kettle Bell Swing (KB Swing)

Athlete chooses the KB weight prior to starting.

The athlete starts with feet at least shoulder width apart and with both hands holding the KB, with straight arms and KB hanging stationary.

Athlete swings KB, straight armed, until KB is at the athlete's shoulder height and then back down. Up and down is one rep.

The athlete may rest with the KB hanging down but not touching the floor. Both hands must remain on the KB unless resting. The turn is over if the player drops the KB or rests with the KB on the floor.

Seated Shoulder Press (S-Sh-Pr)

The athlete must select their own weight to press

Bar must be below chin on downward motion with the point of the chin fully visible above the bar. The elbows must be fully extended on the upward motion.

The bottom and mid back of the athlete must remain in contact with the seat at all times — excessive arching of the back will deem the repetition invalid.

The athlete must retain at least one hand in contact with the bar during any rest period.

KB Squat & Row (Sq & Row)

Athlete selects load they can hold for 3 minutes without putting it down or resting it on the floor whilst holding the handle.

Kettlebell must touch floor at bottom of rep and handle must touch chin, with elbows high at the top of rep.

Athlete can adopt the stiff leg, deadlift like action or squat action.

The athlete can take a rest but must be in a standing position, but the kettlebell may be held in one hand.

Kettlebell must come down in line with feet not in front or behind.

12m Shuttle Run (12m Run)

Judge will measure out 12m in a safe area and uses 2 markers at each end.

Athlete must put one foot past what the judge has used for the markers.

Only complete reps count.

Sit Ups (Sit Up)

Start with athlete lying down, knees flexed, head on mat, arms extended behind head and hands touching the floor. Counter standing on the athletes toes. Athlete will then sit up with arms extended to touch the counter's feet. Reps are counted every time the athlete touches the counter's feet, athlete's must return to start position between reps.

At the judges discretion, the athlete may opt to tuck their feet under something that holds part of both feet on the floor, rather than have the counter stand on their feet. Athlete must touch the parts of the feet that are touching the floor (e.g. heels, if toes are off the floor).